Campmeeting 2007 will run nightly, Sunday through Sunday, July 29 - August 5. Services begin each night at 7 p.m. These are revival-style services filled with good music, traditional hymns, and meaningful messages.
Rev. Steve James, pastor of Gethsemane Baptist Church, of Danville KY, will be our 2007 evangelist. Firm Foundation will lead the music worship and provide special music each evening. They are an inspired young group that everyone should hear!
Special events for this year's 110th anniversary will be:
Wed. August 1st - Old Fashioned Days - Join the fun - dress up like our campmeeting ancestors did! Bring out your best bibs, bonnets, and bow-ties! Awards will be given to the oldest participant, youngest participant, and family with the most dressed-up members. (You do not have to dress-up to attend this service, but it is fun!)
Friday, August 3rd - Youth Celebration Night. Begins at 5:30 p.m. with free hot dogs and refreshments for the youth (all ages) and their chaperones. During this time the Christian Rock band, The Remnant, will perform a free concert. All church groups, as well as individual youth, are encouraged to attend this special evening. The service that evening at 7 will be for everyone, and will feature a special youth-centered message.
Saturday, August 3 - Ice Cream Social. Free home-made ice cream will be served following the 7 p.m. service.
Sunday, August 4. Homecoming. Services will begin at 11 a.m. and will be followed by a potluck dinner on the grounds at noon. A special music concert will follow featuring Firm Foundation. The year's services will conclude with a 7 p.m. service that evening. Everyone is invited to the Homecoming events. All the old and new friends of the campmeeting are encouraged to bring photos and other memorabilia to share!
Also - it's a good idea to bring seat cushions or blankets to sit on, as the benches are original "hardwood." We will also be offering this year, for a small donation, seat cushions with the campmeeting logo on them - available at the campmeeting (profits go to promote and continue the campmeeting).
If you have questions or need more information, contact
Hope to see you at Campmeeting!