Sunday, July 6, 2008

2008 Campmeeting Schedule

It's almost campmeeting time again - mark your calendars! This year's evangelist is Rev. Larry Nichols, KY UMC Conference Evangelist and director of Arise Ministries. Our music leader, also performing their own special music each night, is the popular gospel quartet Firm Foundation.

The 2008 Schedule: Sun. Aug. 3 through Sun. Aug. 10. Services each night of the week at 7 p.m.

The campmeeting is non-denominational. EVERYONE is welcome to attend all services and special events!! The services are revival-style worship services, especially meaningful in our wonderful tabernacle setting.

Special events for 2008, in addition to the nightly services:

Friday Aug. 8: Youth Celebration Night.
Free music, hot dogs and food, prizes, and special sermon.
For youth of all ages. Youth groups are welcome!!
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. music by a live band. This year's band is Chasin' Chickens a talented gospel/bluegrass band whose members are in their teens (J.D. Estes, fiddle; Brandon Sutton, Guitar; and Pete Mattingly, Mandolin - they attend Chestnut Grove Baptist Church).
Bring your kids, teens and youth; your neighbors' kids, teens and youth; your youth groups, etc.!
7 p.m. – Worship service for all ages by Cloverport UMC pastor, Rev. Tom Wilson.

The 2008 Y.A.C. bobble-heads created for the Youth Celebration Night give-away.

Sun. Aug.10: Homecoming Day. All are welcome!
Morning Worship – 11 a.m. (led by brother Ernie Doan, pastor of Bethlehem UMC)
Potluck Dinner on the Grounds - noon.
Afternoon service, featuring special concert by Firm Foundation – 1:30 p.m.
Regular evening service – 7 p.m.

Sat. Aug. 9 & Sun. Aug. 10:
7 p.m. services will be led by minister - Rev. Dale Carden,United Methodist Church Owensboro District Superintendent, on these two evenings.

If you would like more information about the campmeeting or the events please contact (270) 264-2871 or Links to more information are available on the right side of this page.

If you are interested in helping to prepare for this year's campmeeting the last workday is Sat. Aug. 2nd. Work will begin at 7 a.m.